all time fav

all time fav

Thursday, October 28, 2010


You came into my life when I felt I was sinking and threw the life vest in time to save me. When I felt there was no hope and all I saw was darkness you came to show me the light. The confusion that consumed me was replaced with your guidance and assurance of survival. When I reached the crossroads you pointed to the direction I needed to turn. As I felt weakened your words strengthened me. The understanding and care you always show is insurmountable.

Many people have come into my life filling my heart with love, but no one has ever filled it with all the wonderful gifts you possess. People often say you are a mystery, but I see no mystery. I have been so blessed to have experienced the privilege of seeing all your beauty. You are full of tenderness, care, compassion, gentleness and above all, a heart full of love. Through you I have learned what true forgiveness is and the true meaning of unconditional love. With your help I was able to overcome hardships, disappointments, failures, insecurities and everything that caused me sadness.

You never leave my side and that only strengthens my love for you. You have proven that true friendship can survive many storms. I know, with you at my side, I could never be weak. With each storm you mold me into a rock. Thank you for your spirit, strength, guidance and most of all...your LOVE. I will learn to fill my days with love, understanding and communication. I will do my best to always respect and obey you. Thank you for all you have been in my life. My true friend.... GOD...malini,kalai,santhiya,sudha ka.....


kalai said...

Your cheerful smile
Your caressing hand
It's the really simple things
That make your life look so grand

You're a special woman
It's in your eyes
I see the truth
There is no disguise

It's your spirit
Maybe your soul
But my life without you
Would feel painfully old

You've been a true friend
I hope you stay
I would be so very empty
If you ever went away

carol said...

so sweet kalai...i wnt let u feel u r young...i will stay in ur heart...i wnt let u fil empty...and lastly i wnt eva go away...dun u...;p

santhiya said...

Nanbean da....Thanks dear
Being as good friend for me...Hope will long relation until my end of day....